Back to School!

On Monday children and young people across England will physically go back to school for the first time since December. Parents will rejoice, teachers will breath a sigh of relief that they no longer have to teach via video-link, and most of the children will be happy to get out Read more…

What Next?

It feels like we’re in a particularly weird place, even in this, the weirdest of years in living memory.Schools have re-opened in a variety of socially distanced ways, the National Youth Agency have declared that Youthwork is an Essential Service – meaning that some of the latest Government rulings don’t Read more…

Behind the facemask

With the government announcement that from the 24th July face coverings will be compulsory in shops, I thought I’d start early, and put mine on and as is typical for me on a Thursday, I went to do my weekly food shopping.  A few weeks ago my wife was experimenting Read more…

The Biggest Revelation of Lockdown

The past three and a half months have taught me loads. Practically I’ve discovered how to edit video and how to continue youthwork relationships online; spiritually I’ve discovered the power of mindfulness and creating 10 minutes of space in my day, I’ve also re-discovered a love of reading; personally I’ve Read more…

Dealing with Death

One of the first young people I mentored was a 12 year old boy called Matt. He had a complicated background and family, and I would often get confused by all the names and how they were related. One day I asked Matt to draw me a family tree – Read more…


What started as an idea from one parent to make her family’s daily walk a little more interesting, has become an image of hope and gratefulness. The original Facebook group has the description “Our children soon won’t be able to see their friends. Create a rainbow picture to display in Read more…